
About us

About Association

- 当協会の概要についてはYouTube動画をご覧ください:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd1SgZJrz60&t=17s
- また、Facebookでも協会の情報を発信しています。https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61567115710537

■ 住所:〒279-0012 千葉県浦安市入船1-8-1-1211
■ 電話:090-8519-1996
■ e-mail:jaupa.info@gmail.com

The Japan Ukraine Partnership Association (JAUPA) is a non-profit organization founded on 10th of September 2024 in Urayasu city mainly by Ukrainians evacuated to Urayasu City in Chiba Prefecture, and Urayasu residents with the goal of supporting Ukraine and building future partnerships between Japan and Ukraine in various fields. Supporting the people of Ukraine, who have suffered from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, is our highest priority. Another important task of our Association is to carry out activities to build mutual partnerships in the field of culture, art and science of Ukraine with the goal of the future restoration of the country.
- Please watch the YouTube video for an overview of our association:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd1SgZJrz60&t=17s
- We also disseminate information about the Association on Facebook.

■ Postal address:1-8-1-1211 Irifune Urayasu city, Chiba prefecture
■ Tel:090-8519-1996
■ eMail:jaupa.info@gmail.com

About members

理事⻑ 平⽅洋⼆ President -(Alex)Yoji Hirakata

総合商社⽇商岩井(現 双⽇)での商社活動の後、1992 年IT 及び地理空間情報システム分野の専⾨商社サイバネテック社を設⽴、2021 年超⼩型衛星の開発・企画会社マイクロオービター社を設⽴。

After working for the general trading company Nissho Iwai (now Sojitz), he founded Cybernetech Corporation, a specialized trading company in information technology and geospatial information systems, in 1992, and in 2021 founded MicroOrbiter Inc., a microsatellite development and planning company.

副理事⻑ フーチェンコ・ペトロ Vice President - Huchenko Petro

ウクライナが独⽴を達成した後、スームィ市で貿易会社を設⽴し、経営を指揮。1998 年にはスムイ市の⾏政に招かれ、副市⻑の職を務めた。2003 年からは⼤学の副学⻑として働き、2005 年には議員に選出され、スムイ市議会を率いた。その後、地域のテレビ会社の代表として活躍した。2022 年にはロシアとウクライナの戦争勃発により、家族と共に⽇本に避難を余儀なくされた。

After Ukraine gained independence, he founded and led a trading company in Sumy City. In 1998, he was invited to work in the Sumy city administration, where he served as the Deputy Mayor. From 2003, he worked as a Vice-Rector at the university. In 2005, he was elected as a deputy and led the Sumy City Council, after which he became the head of a local television company. In 2022, due to the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine, he was forced to evacuate to Japan with his family.

理事 ホンチャレンコ・テチアナ Director - Honcharenko Tetyana

2020 年からウクライナのスームィ州議会の議員を務め、2005 年から2015 年までスームィ市議会の議員を務めた。2014 年から2015 年には、スームィ市議会の議⻑を務めた。2000 年から2014 年まで、ウクライナ国⽴銀⾏のウクライナ銀⾏アカデミーの経営学部で准教授として勤務。その後、2015 年から2018 年まで、スームィ州議会の執⾏部において議会活動⽀援部⾨の責任者として勤務。2018 年から2023 年まで、スームィ経済貿易専⾨学校の校⻑を務め
た。⻑年にわたり、ポーランドとウクライナの関係発展に貢献してきた功績により、2021 年にはスームィ州⾏政⻑官から表彰を受け、2018 年にはポーランド・ウクライナのビジネス関係の発展に対する貢献により「友好の騎⼠勲章」が授与された。ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻のため、家族と共に⽇本に避難。⽇本では、国際企業であるCast Global Group にてコンサルタントとして勤務し、⽇ウ両国の企業家に対してビジネス活動に関するアドバイスを提供。
▶ 参照記事:ウクライナ人ジャーナリストのテチアナ・グズィークさんにより書かれ、日本財団のニュースとして掲載されたホンチャレンコ・テチアナと彼女の妹のウリバチョーワ・イリーナの「ウクライナから極東の日出る国に - 激動の3年間」

Honcharenko Tetyana is a Doctor of Economic Sciences with a specialty in Finance and a PhD in Economics, specializing in the Economics and Management of Scientific and Technological Progress. She has served as a Deputy of the Sumy Regional Council, Ukraine, since 2020, and previously served as a Deputy of the Sumy City Council from 2005 to 2015.
During 2014-2015, she was the Chairman of the Sumy City Council. From 2000 to 2014, She was an Associate Professor in the Department of Management at the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine. She then served as the Head of the Department of Organizational Support of the Council's Activities in the Executive Office of the Sumy Regional Council from 2015 to 2018. From 2018 to 2023, she held the position of Director at the Sumy College of Economics and Trade in Ukraine. Over the years, she has actively contributed to the development of relations between Poland and Ukraine. Her efforts have been recognized with several awards, including a commendation from the Head of the Sumy Regional State Administration in 2021 and the Knight's Order of Friendship for her contributions
to Polish-Ukrainian business relations in 2018. Due to Russia's war against Ukraine, she was forced to evacuate with her family to Japan. In Japan, she began working at the international corporation Cast Global Group as a consultant, providing advice to Japanese and Ukrainian entrepreneurs on conducting business activities in both countries.
▶ Reference article:The article "From Ukraine to the country of the Rising Sun in the Far East - Three turbulent years'' of Honcharenko Tetyana and her younger sister Hrybachova Iryna, written by Ukrainian journalist Tetyana Huzyk and published in Nippon Foundation News

理事 マコフスカ・イリーナ Director - Iryna Makovska

マコフスカ・イリーナはポルタヴァで⽣まれ、⽇本在住は15 年以上になる。彼⼥はノースアジア⼤学を卒業し、経済学の学位を取得。ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が本格化する前は輸出⼊業務に携わっていた。 2022 年5 ⽉、彼⼥は著名な⽇本の⼼理学者でJME ⼼理学者協会会⻑の浮世真理⼦と共に、ウクライナ⼈のための渋⾕ひまわりサポートセンターを設⽴した。
2 年半以上にわたり、このセンターは⽇本に避難しているウクライナ⼈にさまざまな形の⽀援を提供してきた。この間、ウクライナ国内のウクライナ⼈への募⾦活動、ウクライナ⼈演奏家によるコンサートの主催、ロシアの侵略の影響を受けたウクライナ⼈の家族への的を絞った援助の提供など、200以上のイベントの開催に関与した。その功績が認められ、在⽇ウクライナ⼤使館から表彰を受けた。

Iryna Makovska was born in Poltava and has been living in Japan for over fifteen years. She graduated from North Asia University with a degree in Economics. Before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, she was involved in import-export operations. In May 2022, together with the well-known Japanese psychologist and president of the JME Association of Psychologists, Mariko Ukiyo, she established the Shibuya Himawari support center for Ukrainians. For more than 2.5 years, the center has provided various forms of assistance to Ukrainians evacuated to Japan. During this time, over 200 events have been organized, including fundraising for Ukrainians in Ukraine, hosting concerts by Ukrainian performers,
and providing targeted aid to Ukrainian families affected by Russian aggression. For her work, Iryna was recognized with a Commendation from the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan.

理事 中島崇博 Director - Takahiro Nakashima

九州大学工学部造船学科卒業。商社イトマン(現・⽇鉄物産)で海運、不動産部⾨に在籍。その後、国際的な海運仲介業に従事し現在に⾄る。2007 年船舶仲⽴⼈の会社に⼊社、理事を経て2015 年より同社顧問。また、現在観光会社の社⻑を兼務。

Graduated from the Department of Shipbuilding, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University and worked in shipping and real estate at trading house Itoman (now Nippon Steel Trading), and left the company in 1993 after a three-year station in the United States. After that he has been engaged in the international shipbroker business until now. Later he joined a shipbroker company in Tokyo in 2007, and after serving as a director, he has served as an advisor to the company from 2015. Also, he has served as the president of the sightseeing company.

理事 上野利花 Director - Rika Ueno


Graduated from the Department of Russian Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
Worked at Taiyo Fisheries Co., Ltd. (now Maruha Nichiro Co., Ltd.). Engaged in marine product imports, plant exports, joint ventures, and overseas representative office management. 
Graduated from Surugadai University Law School. Worked at an administrative scrivener's office before going independent. Established the Administrative Scrivener Birdie Consulting Office. Qualifications:
Administrative Scrivener. Specified Administrative Scrivener. Application Agent Administrative Scrivener. Juris Doctor (professional). Affiliations: Japan Administrative Scrivener's Association. Chiba Prefecture Administrative Scrivener's Association. Urayasu Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Urayasu City International Association.

監事 ウリバチョーバ ・イリーナ Auditor - Hrybachova Iryna

ウリバチョーバ ・イリーナは2006 年にキーウのタラス・シェフチェンコ記念国⽴⼤学を卒業し、法学修⼠を取得。2015 年ウクライナ国⽴科学アカデミーのV.M.コレツキー法学研究所で法学博⼠号を取得、スームィ国⽴⼤学で准教授として勤務。2020 年からは弁護⼠資格を取得し、ウクライナ国⽴弁護⼠協会の会員となった。2022 年初めに⽇本に来てからは、弁護⼠法⼈キャストグローバルグループで働き始め、⽇本の弁護⼠とともに、ウクライナ避難⺠への
法的⽀援を提供し、⽇本とウクライナのビジネス関係の構築を促進中。⽇本の弁護⼠と協⼒して、ウクライナでのビジネス開始に関する記事を『Japan Business Law Review Journal』(2024 年4 ⽉号)に発表。また、これに基づき、ウクライナでのビジネスと投資の法的側⾯について⽇本経済団体連合会(経団連)に報告した。ウクライナと⽇本の間の強い絆を築くことで、ウクライナの回復と発展を⽀援し両国の相互理解と協⼒を促進することができる。
▶ 参照記事:ウクライナ人ジャーナリストのテチアナ・グズィークさんにより書かれ、日本財団のニュースとして掲載されたホンチャレンコ・テチアナと彼女の妹のウリバチョーワ・イリーナの「ウクライナから極東の日出る国に - 激動の3年間」

In 2006 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and obtained a Master of Law. In 2015 made PhD in Law in the V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and worked as an associate professor at Sumy State University.
Since 2020, she has been certified as an attorney-at-law and became a member of the Ukrainian National Bar Association. After coming to Japan at the beginning of 2022, she began working at the Legal Profession Corporation Cast Global Group. Together with Japanese lawyers, she provides legal support for Ukrainian evacuees and promotes the building of business relations between Japan and Ukraine. In cooperation with a Japanese lawyer, she has published an article in the Japan Business Law Review Journal (4/24) about starting a business in Ukraine. Based on this, she delivered a report to the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) about the legal aspects of doing business and investments in Ukraine. By building strong connections between Ukraine and Japan, we can support Ukraine’s resilience and development while also promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between our nations.
▶ Reference article:The article "From Ukraine to the country of the Rising Sun in the Far East - Three turbulent years'' of Honcharenko Tetyana and her younger sister Hrybachova Iryna, written by Ukrainian journalist Tetyana Huzyk and published in Nippon Foundation News

監事 中島淑⼦ Auditor - Yoshiko Nakashima

三菱商事に勤務。その後、IT 及び地理空間情報システム分野の専⾨商社サイバネテックの経理・管理部⾨に勤務。

After working at Mitsubishi Corporation, she worked in the management department of Cybernetech Corporation.


サンプル 太郎


Copyright Japan Ukraine Partnership Association.